16// 24 Jan 2022

15// 30 Sep 2021

14// 07 Feb 2021

13// 17 Oct 2020

There was a show called “Rewind”, I only remember the start of the first episode where there was a protest of some sort going outside a building and the protagonist of the show had “something going on” with the main organizer of the protest, the girl who seemed to be in charge, the protagonist guy was Asian. Then a blond white guy rocks up and tries sweet talking the girl protester, who is just not interested, into organizing some talent scout type people to be at his next basketball game so he can win another award (can’t remember what the award was). She tells him to piss off, Asian dude goes I don’t know what the big deal is with him he already has 3 of those awards; she says something about how it’s all to do with retirement money and he’s looking to finish his career after this season. This all happens during the day. Then it’s night time and Asian dude and a black guy are standing on the rooftop bar of the same building the protest was outside of and they’re attacked by guys in hoods with machetes. The fight is brutal, black guy is thrown off the building and killed (of course, I mean the black guy always dies right?) and Asian guy has his fingers of his right hand chopped off, and then he falls backwards off the building. Cos he’s Asian my mind makes him do something cool so he’s hanging onto the roof of the building by just his leg (his calf is on top of the building and he’s tensing his hamstring to keep this position) and can’t scramble up because he has no fingers to grip the roof. Hooded guy slices across his leg and Asian guy can’t hold on anymore so he falls. He dies while the ambulance is on the way as it’s taking ages to get there. Then there’s a partial rewind, Asian dude flies back up to the roof, and the roof scene starts back up again just before hooded guy slices Asian dudes leg and Asian dude falls off. He’s aware of this he’s like what just happened how am I here again but the scene plays out just as it just did but as soon as Asian dude falls off the ambulance arrives as it was still on it’s way, time keeps moving forward for the rest of the world. The rewind only happened to him and hooded guys and it’s was only the last 5 minutes. He survives as the ambulance gets to him before he dies, so the next episode of the show is going to be him finding out who hooded guys were and why they attacked. Something to do with the protest and the girl.

12// 06 Aug 2020

Last night I was a mum adopting 3 kids, the middle boy couldn’t speak English clearly. They were very hesitant and stand-offish. The middle boy kept getting depressed because he couldn’t communicate well with anyone and after a while stopped trying and kept saying he was an idiot because he couldn’t speak well. I kept trying to get him to come back around but he wouldn’t because he thought there was no point. My husband in the dream was disabled and struggled to communicate too, but came home one day with a box of top grade meats and foods. I asked him where did you get these from and he said the president sent them to him. I looked at the box of meat and there was the seal of the president stamped on it. I’m like “you stole this yeah?”. As it turned out, he was a veteran engineer who had been deployed and had gotten hurt when a bomb had gone off. Now he was in a wheel chair and couldn’t speak well; but his mind was fine so he was still doing work with the army and had earned a Medal of Honor. I showed all this to the boy and said even though he can’t communicate well and he’s in a wheelchair, he’s still very smart and the president (not Trump lol, a real one) even respects him and shows him gratitude.

11b// 02 Aug 2020


Kevin hart was the main guy, he was living a normal life and working a normal job; somehow he gets into a “I’ll grant you one wish” scenario and wishes to be a big music label head honcho married to rich and famous singer, and makes his wish quite detailed as he wishes for the memories of that life and intelligence and knowledge and skill to be able to do his job so he can fully integrate into that life. Then he wakes up the next day in his new life and goes about living his dream life. At one point there’s a party at his house, lots of music-y people there but someone from his new life high school also rocks up with a photo album showing pics of when him and his mates attacked and tortured her in school at a weekend camp. He’s like get that shit out of here, it was years ago, move on, so she leaves the photo album behind a curtain and sets the curtain on fire. Then she jumps off the balcony killing herself. Cops come and everyone is like who is this girl does anyone know her, and Kevin hart stays quiet thinking this ain’t the life I wanted and now I’m rich and famous so I can’t go to prison; cops are doing their thing and one of the music goons finds some unburnt photos from the girls photo album and hits up Kevin hart about them, he’s like this was years ago, we were just kids, we didn’t do anything wrong, we were just messing around, so goon says I’ll help you hide this and the cops notice them being shifty af so the ask what’s going on; Kevin hart takes off to a bedroom and gets back in contact with the entity that granted his wish, says this isn’t what I wanted, you gave me this, I want my old life back but genie thing is having none of it; sorry bro you used your wish, you don’t have another one; so Kevin hart panics trying to think how can I get out of here cos he can hear the commotion outside with the cops, wife bursts in yelling, wtf did you do, imma divorce your ass and take everything you’ve got mthrfckr, I never loved you anyway, I’ve been cheating on you this whole time; Kevin hart realised dream life is shit and he’s fucked himself and has a heart attack. Dead.

11a// 02 Aug 2020

I was in my 20s living in Boronia and I got recruited to do a kitchen job (also in Boronia) for a middle eastern family for some sort or ceremonial meal they were having (I think the son was getting married), so I’m only allowed in certain parts of the restaurant kitchen, other rooms are forbidden because only the men work in there. At some point the father and son leave to go get supplies and I walk into one of the forbidden rooms and find a girl tied up ready to be killed. I’m like wtf and ask her who are you, what’s going on etc. she tells me the father and son kidnapped her because she’s the younger sister of the woman that son is going to marry so they’re going to kill her and make a powder from a part of her body to put in the meal (we were making wraps btw). I’m like that ain’t happening so I let her go and father’s wife catches me, so we fight and I kill her. Father and son come back and find me putting the meal together and they realize the girl is gone so they lose it. I’m like dude your wraps are fine trust me, and they’re like you’ve gone passed the step where we add her powder and I’m like yeah but it’s cool there’s someone else in your wraps, they’re like wtf and I’m like your wife/mum is in the food, I killed her yo, and then they lose it even more because she’s not the kill they need, they needed the girl because she is blood to the woman son is going to marry. They fire me and threaten to kill me. Then I got my job back in tasty production where I was working with someone who used to work there but got fired for stealing (won’t name names) and I’m like why is he back here and Stacey is like I needed experienced workers, so I’m pissed, then an email comes through from Sydney about a product but it went to all staff instead of just Stacey, I printed it off and put in an envelope to give to Stace and wrote confidential on the front, then (he who shall not be named) reads the letter and I lose my shit and tell him you’re on camera reading Stacey’s mail, you’re gone mthrfckr, and he storms out. Then all the boys try to gang up on me in the hallway for trying to get voldemort into trouble but I ain’t having none of this shit.

10// 28 July 2020

Tonight there was a blue whale in the middle of the road around the corner from my house. No one knew where it came from, just appeared there dead. I hauled ass to bunnings to buy 6 gas masks because the only way to clear the road would be to blow up the whale and that is going to stink for a long time. Plus I figure no one has thought about that yet but when they do it’ll be mayhem at bunnings so better be proactive and go now. So I get home and the whale is really starting to stink (not even blown up yet but you know, dead whale and all), chuck Adam his gas mask and take off to mums to get them theirs. They’re talking on the radio about people will be trapped in their homes as they’re closing a bunch of roads and people were starting to realize they would need gas masks so bunnings was getting crazy. Because the roads were going to be closed I called Adam and said figure out what you want for dinner and I’ll go get it now, then I went to the milk bar and loaded up on lollies (the important things). I spent $52 on lollies. Made it back home in time before the roads closed. Whale wasn’t blown up yet but they were talking on the radio about how that was the only option and the govt was sorting out how to do it. No one was asking where tf did a whale come from?! I called my brother and said I have a gas mask for you in case you end up smelling the whale in your side of the city too.

9// 23 July 2020

This one was in prison. And the whole time I was aware I shouldn’t be there and thinking they’re gonna realize I’ve switched places with the real prisoner and I shouldn’t be here. At one point there was a few of us hiding in a room making a meal for a magic spell as an offering to some sort of entity. I just went along with it, helped out where I could so I didn’t get busted as an imposter. Later there was a car accident with the warden and he was explaining that someone called Damien was dead now as he had run over him accidentally, when reversing out of a spot. One of the prisoners was really upset by this as she had a relationship with Damien, the warden laughed at her and told her to suck it up but got her name wrong. Then the other prisoners started having a go at him, do you even know our names, and he said no why would I care what your names are, just sat there drinking his coffee, so the prisoners revolted and started throwing stuff around. Some of us went back to the magic spell meal and found a cleaner and his son had eaten it for lunch. We were furious and attacked them. Somehow I escaped out of there and ended up at a salvos op shop with Adam and I was looking for shoes while he was searching for Essendon shirts, but all he could find was Boronia Hawks jumpers.

8// 20 July 2020

Another dream within a dream last night (why do I keep doing this?) The inside dream was me and Paul at a Reel Big Fish concert in the city, for some reason Adam stayed home (significant because there’s no way he’d miss a RBF concert), Jenn Kelberg was there too and she bought us shots which were very sweet. I got a bit of a thirst after that so went to the bar for more shots but they didn’t have anything decent so I went back to Paul and complained about Hoops not being open because of COVID. Later we find Daniel when it’s daytime and I tell them “I can get you home, I can fly and carry you” so I try but there’s power lines everywhere and I can’t get high enough. Then I assume I can go through the power lines because why would I have this ability if I can’t get high enough so I tell them we’re going through but I keep burning my hands so I give up and we decide to go by water. We get told we have to go under water and be careful of the underwater tornado, which you can only touch from the surface but it’s dangerous from the water. We find the tornado (which is always there it’s like a tourist attraction) and I lose Daniel and Paul when it passes over us. When I’m in the eye I can breathe and when it moves passed me I reach out to touch it and my hand passes through it like it’s made of nothing. Then I woke up (now in my level 1 dream). I look at my hands because they’re hurting and the back of my left hand is covered in a tattoo of a map of Melbourne CBD and there’s moving dots showing where I was the night before and Tasha Poesch too. There was a third girl but I don’t remember who that was. (Tash is a stronger personality lol). I can change the colour of the dots too by tapping on them, and I can make my dot a different colour to each of theirs, showing the path we each took in my dream. I look at my right hand and it’s covered in burns, from touching the power lines when I tried to fly and they manifested in “real life”. When I post about it on Facebook, Rochelle comments she had a dream about a concert too and calls it “our dream” thinking we dreamt about the same place. Later when I see her in person I’m trying to explain what happened but she gets dragged away. Adam tells me it’s just a dream, it’s no big deal and I’m like “look at my hands!” but he can’t see the scars or the images as they appear to me.